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Pfleiderer, Moana

Moana holds a background in Sociology (BA), Global Change Management (MA), and Contemporary Dance (ED). Passionate about movement, arts, personal development, and regenerative futures, she bridges the realms of research and practice. Her particular interest lies in integrating embodiment into team dynamics and work processes. Moana facilitates workshops and seminars....

AMA Convergence 2024

An Experience Report by Moana Pfleiderer...

Grand Theory of Societal Advancement

Grand Theory of Societal Advancement A comprehensive theory, a historic echo of our first version of civilization formed from the Neolithic package of upgrades. Comprised of specialized works from a broad spectrum of fields of study and independent researchers. The overarching goal of GTSA is to provide humanity with the necessary tools and systems for … ...

Boa Foundation

We work in alliance with indigenous communities to preserve and protect sacred land, culture, and ancient wisdom. We support projects including strategic land buybacks, restoration of native ecosystems, cultural exchange, and sustainable living solutions. Our planet is a miracle. Life has evolved for millions of years, creating a rich and diverse ecosystem, an intricate web … ...

Schönwitz, Tobias

(Dr.) Tobias Schönwitz has a background in physics and philosophy and continues that academic strand of his life by working at a large private foundation which provides funding for scienti�c research. At the same time, he has always had a strong interest in how humans are connected to each other and trys to turn that … ...

Dal Fiore, Filippo

Dr. Filippo Dal Fiore holds a PhD in Economics from the Free University of Amsterdam and teaches at the Master’s and MBA level at the University of Bologna. After working for 10 years in the field of technological innovation – predominantly running applied research projects and a spin-off venture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology … ...

Little Treehouse

Little Treehouse is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 to support initiatives focused on human rights, environment protection and communities in need with a primary focus on youth and future generations. Our lean structure and committed team provide us with no additional costs, allowing us to allocate approx. 100% of funds directly to our projects. … ...

TES Academy - International Academy Environment and Sustainability

In order to shape a sustainable future, we need people on all levels from local to global who are capable of implementing transformation processes for the environment and sustainability. Also, developing structures and networks of such people that deal with sustainability challenges in different contexts and with different knowledge are essential. The TES Academy addresses … ...

Fackenthal, Jeremy

Jeremy Fackenthal is an independent filmmaker and NGO director. After completing a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Theology from Claremont Graduate University, he began using his philosophical background beyond the academy to raise questions and craft narratives. In recent years, Jeremy’s work has included video content produced for clients and shorter independent documentary projects. … ...

Wuppuluri, Shyam

Shyam Wuppuluri is an independent researcher working in the domain of foundations of sciences and philosophy. He has long standing interest in the interdisciplinary approaches to sciences, deep ecology and sustainability. He is the recipient of prestigious Albert Einstein Fellowship 2021 from the Einstein Forum at Potsdam & Caputh and is an elected fellow of … ...

the school of nothing

the school of nothing is investigating the realm of nothing. As an applied research project it develops and implements artistic and scientific interventions in the public space and open performances | workshops for people being interested into exploring the qualities conntected to nothing, e.g. nothingness, silence, emptiness, darkness, pause, serenity, Lassenskraft, waiting, withdrawing, contemplation, doing … ...

The inner mindset and personal transformation played crucial role in reaching the Paris agreement

Christiana Figueres, fr Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, at the Spirit of Humanity Forum, on the panel ‘Harmony among Nations and Global Institutions’....

Curious Leaders

Our philosophy as business coaches and transformation facilitators is rooted in an understanding of identity that integrates executive branding expertise with our experience in designing multiple leadership programmes for FTSE 50 companies, SMEs, social enterprises and as adjunct faculty members of a corporate university. How an organisation communicates externally with customers from a product or service perspective … ...

The Communities of Practice Playbook

Working through communities of practice has never been more encouraged in organisations than it is now. Better gathering, sharing and using of data, information and knowledge in public organisations such as the European Commission are essential to deliver integrated policy work and overcome silo mentalities. This is highlighted explicitly in European Commission President von der Leyen’s work … ...

Buen Vivir SchoolHouse

We want a Good Life in Togetherness. Individualism, isolation and fear are among the plagues of western societies. They could be overcome by living a sense-making, happiness-oriented, future-building community life. But where to start? We are convinced that the first step to salvation is knowledge. Not just our own knowledge, but the wisdom that comes … ...

Röhling, Lars

Projektmitarbeitender beim NABU Brandenburg...

Heidenreich, Marie

Marie Heidenreich is heading the SynCom Office. SynCom is the synthesis and communication platform for the Helmholtz research field ‘Earth and Environment’. SynCom aims to synthesize research results and to build bridges across various disciplines in a cross-center and interdisciplinary manner. Functioning as an interface between science and society, SynCom supports evidence-based climate and environmental … ...

Gaupp, Franziska

Dr. Franziska Gaupp is interested in food systems and food systems transformation. She has experience in systems analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods to foster transformative change towards a resilient future. Recently, she is interested in the topic of ‘multiple ways of knowing’ in transformative processes....

Beyers, Felix

Felix is a transdisciplinary researcher...

Hafner, Judith

Her context of languages (German, Italian, English, French, Chinese) and professional experiences (business, international cooperation, community building) speaks of her longing to connect spaces through listening. Her body-felt and mind-opening experience of flow in different trainings (Presencing Institute, Seele und Sein, Thomas Hübl, Art of Hosting) shifted her deeper into inner alignment and availability as … ...

Schönwitz, Tobias

Tobias Schönwitz is a program director and Coordinator of the funding department at the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany’s largest private, non-profit organization engaged in the promotion and support of academic research; not a corporate foundation and not affiliated to the Volkswagen automobile manufacturer)....

Bruhn, Isabella

I am writing this text about myself and it is not exactly easy. The most amazing compliment ever, was given to me by my teacher Gary Friedman who said he had never seen such integrity. It is a very special and no light compliment but I handle it with great respect and care. It describes … ...

Muten, Erik

Kailo Mentoring Group serves to integrate Ego & Soul through individual, couples, families, groups, & organizations. Erik work/plays with his life and business partner, Amelia Perkins ( Erik has been a Psychologist for over 35 years and spent over 30,000 hours exploring both the the conscious and unconscious patterns in people and organizations. He has … ...

Zeng, Yilan

After demolition and resettlement in 2017, we are still in flux. During the slow recovery, we first focused on the establishment of a visualized online community, hoping that by finding like-minded partners, we can once again restore and rebuild the green art entrepreneurship park on the earth....

Choutko, Alexandra


Beyers, Felix

Felix is working as a research associate in the TranS-Mind Research group at RIFS after finalising his PhD at Leuphana University on “Political challenges of a textile transformation”. He focussed on interaction and learning spaces in collaborative governance initiatives between market, civil society and industry actors. Today he …...

Fear & Trust in Climate Communication

It’s astonishing thesis forming the current discussion about climate communication....

Palmer, Michael

Worked on the development and early implementation of the Wellbeing of Future Generations law in Wales, UK. Senior Fellow at IASS from 2019 to 2020 where I shared insights gained from the experience of Wales. Colleagues in the IASS were extremely generous in sharing their time, expertise, and experience, which made it possible to explore … ...

Community of Practice von Karen O'Brien

die sind klasse finde ich auch!...

Toms Testprojekt

UNd jetzt schreibe ich hier mal. UNd mache auch etwas FETT. Und hier mal etwas zentriert   Hallali mit LInk...

Testprojekt X


Bulc, Violeta

I’m convinced that a new civilisation is around the corner. More and more of us are feeling it, sensing it, acting upon our inner calling. We know that it is time to live differently. To be more connected to the living world around us. To be in balance with the Planet, the Universe, with ourselves … ...

Hayashi, Arawana

Arawana Hayashi brings her extensive background in the performing arts and in contemplative practice into leadership training in the arena of organizational and social change....

Schroeder, Heike

Heike Schroeder is Professor of Environmental Governance at the School of International Development, University of East Anglia. Her work focuses on global environmental politics, forest governance and REDD+, the international climate negotiations, non-state actors, urban climate governance, indigenous peoples/knowledge and sustainable development, transformative learning, trust and sustainable food governance. She is PI of the Indigenous-International Interactions … ...

Huber, Andreas

Andreas is the CEO of the German Association to the Club of Rome. He is coordinating the COR networks activities in Germany and active as a keynote speaker....

LeGrand, Thomas

Thomas Legrand is a wisdom’s seeker, living in France next to Plum Village, the monastery of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Holding a PhD in economics, he works in the field of sustainability for UN agencies, NGOs and companies. Holding a Ph.D. in (Ecological) Economics and having studied international development, political science, and management, Thomas … ...

Mues, Andreas

Andreas Mues works for the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) where he has been involved particularly in the studies on nature awareness (Naturbewusstsein) and the connection between mindfulness and nature protection....

Kurt, Hildegard

I am an independent cultural researcher and author, actively engaged in research, teaching and lecturing in Europe, the UK, Korea and the USA. My thematic focus includes art and sustainability, culture and sustainability, aesthetic education, social sculpture and intercultural dialogue....

Martin, Laura


New Sustainability Project

An exciting new project...

Cool things about Sustainability

Very interesting new revelations about sustainable thinking and acting...

Visible ContactVisible, Marcus

This person is a test subject with Public visiblity AND Contact is ALSO visible to the PUBLIC...

Center, Athena

We are a center bridging science, business, and “ancient wisdom” from different traditions to bring sustainability and equality to the (business) world....

Kühn, Thomas


Walk, Heike


von Meibom, Barbara

Alles Leben ist Bewegung und ein ständiges Ringen, um das rechte Gleichgewicht, um lebensfördernde Balancen und um Synthesen zwischen vermeintlich unvereinbaren Widersprüchen. Dabei haben wir ein feines Gespür dafür, wenn etwas „aus der Spur geraten“ ist und destruktive Entwicklungen für uns selbst, für das Miteinander und für das Leben auf diesem Planeten entstanden sind. Ich … ...

Adam, Barbara

Prof Dr Dr Barbara Adam, FAcSS, FLSW is Emerita Professor at Cardiff University, Wales, UK. Social time has been the intellectual project throughout her academic career, which facilitated a unique perspective and produced path-breaking publications on the subject, resulting in five research monographs, five edited books and a large number of articles in which she … ...

Manuel-Navarrete, David

Titles Senior Global Futures Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory Associate Professor, School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures Affiliated Faculty, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes, Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation Biography David Manuel-Navarrete applies an existential perspective to study deliberate transformations in social-ecological and technological systems, such as cities or coastal communities, including … ...

Langner, Fanny

Ihrer Vision einer nachhaltigen, sozialen und ökologischen Transformation nähert sich Fanny Langner auf multiperspektivische Weise. Sie ergänzt ihre akademischen Grundlagen in Philosophie (B.A.), Kunst, ökologischer Landwirtschaft und Global Change Management (M.Sc.) mit Achtsamskeitspraktiken als auch künstlerisch musischen Tätigkeiten. Als Mitglied des Performancekollektivs „gez. Euer Ernst“ ( schaffte sie Erfahrungsräume die philosophische, gesellschaftliche, spirituelle sowie nachhaltige … ...

Kay, David

Initially trained as an economist, I work as a senior outreach faculty member at Cornell University. I am affiliated with the Community and Regional Development Institute in Cornell’s Department of Global Development. I am interested primarily in community decision making and governance; the institutional, policy and personal changes needed for an energy transition in the … ...

Herrmann, Lukas

Lukas investigates the cultivation of generative social fields through long-term whole-school co-creation processes based on a training program in 3 elementary schools with over 1,000 school kids in Berlin, Germany. The training program addresses in particular the schools’ 180 teachers by developing their mindfulness, empathy, and relational competence. Furthermore, Lukas works with Peter Senge and … ...

Trescher, Dino

Helping humans reaching their human potential. With this calling in life I serve, cooperate and co-create to proesses of inner change and systems change towards sustainability transformations....

Specking, Heiko

specking+partners advises on sustainability issues, and engages with corporations, charitable structures, wealthy individuals and their families. In this respect we support the enhancement of responsible behaviour both for business related and personal activities. As an independent Swiss-based company, we ensure that value-based practices can become part of the DNA of a project or an organization. … ...

Chimère Diaw, Mariteuw

Chimère Diaw is the Director General of the African Model Forest Network (AMFN) and a member of the International Networking Committee of the IMFN (International Model Forest Network). He is one of the Coordinating Lead Authors of the ongoing Africa Regional Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for IPBES, the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and … ...

Clayton, Philip

As a scholar, Philip Clayton (Ingraham Professor, Claremont School of Theology) works at the intersection points of science, philosophy, and theology. As an activist (president of, President of IPDC), he works to convene, facilitate, and catalyze multi-sectoral initiatives toward ecological civilization....

Weber, Andreas


Schwab, Nicole

Master’s in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School; MA in Natural Sciences, Cambridge University. Formerly, worked on health sector reform projects in Latin America, World Bank and the Ministry of Health of Bolivia. 2004-06, Founding Director, Forum of Young Global Leaders. 2009-2018 Co-Founder and President, EDGE Certified Foundation, a global scheme certifying organizations for closing the … ...

Lanying, Zhang

Lanying is currently the Executive Deputy Dean, Institute of Rural Reconstruction of China in Southwest University at Chongqing. Here she has developed and implemented projects, training/workshops and study programs in the area of sustainable agriculture, environmental education, health education and participatory development approach for poverty reduction. Her own field of interests includes participation for better governance, … ...

Doran, Peter

Drawing on over 25 years of experience in the reporting and analysis of UN negotiations on sustainable development, including consultancy roles with UN Secretariats, I combine research and policy interests in the fields of sustainable development, the commons, and the attention economy. My collaborative work with John Woods and the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust led … ...

Petranker, Jack

Jack Petranker holds a law degree from Yale and an M.A. in political theory from the University of California, Berkeley.  A former Dean of the Tibetan Nyingma Institute in Berkeley, he has also served as North American Vice President of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (1988-92).  His own academic work is in the fields of consciousness … ...

Lichtenberg, Jonas

Sociologist Systemic Counselor Research Fellow of Institut für Sozialpädagogische Forschung Mainz e.V....

World Human Forum

Our work is guided by the outcome of a collective intelligence process we followed at our inaugural Delphic Gathering “Imagining and Building the WHF” in 2017: 1. Seeds of change Bring together self-empowered & responsible citizens who act or want to act as agents of change 2. A Catalyst Become a place of convergence and … ...

Conscious Food Systems Alliance

The Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA), convened by UNDP, is a movement of food, agriculture, and consciousness practitioners united around a common goal: to support people from across food and agriculture systems to cultivate the inner capacities that activate systemic change and regeneration. It aims at establishing the cultivation of inner capacities as a key evidence-based approach to … ...

O'Brien, Karen

Karen O’Brien is an internationally recognized expert on climate change and society, focusing on themes such as climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation including how climate change interacts with globalization processes and the implications for human security. She is interested in how transdisciplinary and integral approaches to global change research can contribute to a better understanding of how … ...

A relational turn for sustainability science? Relational thinking, leverage points and transformations

In sustainability science, revising the paradigms that separate humans from nature is considered a powerful ‘leverage point’ in pursuit of transformations. The coupled social-ecological and human-environment systems perspectives at the heart of sustainability science have, in many ways, enhanced recognition across academic, civil, policy and business spheres that humans and nature are inextricably connected. However, … ...

Meier Nandi, Santa


Helfrich, Silke


Milton, Mark

Founder and Director of the Swiss-based foundation Education 4 Peace (E4P) Created in 2002, the Foundation works internationally to promote the incorporation of skills in self-awareness, deep listening, and mastery of emotions into the educational curriculum of youth, including sports education. His earlier experiences first as a volunteer and then as director of an organization … ...

Dunetz, David

The Heschel Center for Sustainability develops and implements the vision of sustainability: a just and cohesive society, a robust and democratic economy, and a healthy and productive environment to all of its residents. The center bridges theoretical knowledge and practical methods, and creatively spreads the message of sustainability, assisting change makers from every sector of society … ...

Hoppmann, Janna

Janna Hoppmann isthe founder of Climate Mind. She suports people and organizations in developing psychologically strategies for dealing with challenges related to climate change....

Andreotti, Vanessa

In her work as Canada Research Chair, Dr. Vanessa Andreotti focuses on analyses of historical and systemic patterns of reproduction of inequalities and how these limit or enable possibilities for collective existence and global change (especially in educational contexts). Dr. Andreotti conceptualizes education as an expansion of frames of reference and fields of signification....

Rössig, Wiebke

Aufgabengebiete Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung "Bildung und Ausstellung" Leitung Experimentierfeld für Partizipation und Offene Wissenschaft: Konzeption, Programmatik und Evaluation innovativer dialogisch-partizipativer Formate der Wissenschaftskommunikation und der Teilhabe an Forschung und Sammlungen. Projektleitung „Besucherpartizipation im Museum für Naturkunde Berlin zur Förderung der Wissenschaftskommunikation und des Wissenstransfers" (August 2016-Juli 2018) Forschung Interessenschwerpunkte: Bürgerbeteiligung an naturwissenschaftlichen Themen Beteiligungsbereitschaft und Ermächtigung zur Teilhabe Konflikte zwischen Naturschutz und regionaler Entwicklung Art of Hosting, Moderation Seit vielen Jahren beschäftige ich mich mit partizipativen Prozessen, speziell mit der Beteiligung an naturwissenschaftlichen Themen. Während meines Studiums und der Promotion lag mein Schwerpunkt vor allen auf Konflikten zwischen Naturschutz und Regionalentwicklung und der Frage, wie die Bewohner von Schutzgebieten in die Administration und Entscheidungsfindung eingebunden werden. Anschließend begleitete ich für die Deutsche Umweltstiftung die Endlagerkommission im Bundestag. Hierbei lag der Schwerpunkt meiner Arbeit bei der Ausgestaltung der Bürgerbeteiligung an der Arbeit der Endlagerkommission sowie der Beteiligung bei der Suche nach einer Lagerstätte für die nuklearen Abfälle. Seit August 2016 arbeite ich an der praktischen Umsetzung der Öffnung von Forschung und Sammlungen im Museum für Naturkunde und freue mich jederzeit über Ideen und Anregungen. Publikationen Rössig, Wiebke und Lisa D. Jahn: Dialog und Austausch neu gedacht. In: Rössig, Wiebke (2020): Handreichung: Inspirationsworkshops mit Stakeholdern und Öffentlichkeit. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Berlin. Rössig, Wiebke, Jahn, Lisa Debora (2019): Dialog im Forschungsmuseum. Handreichung 2019. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Berlin. Rössig, Wiebke, Jahn, Lisa Debora (2019): The Open Planning Laboratory at the Museum für Naturkunde – Experiences From First Attempos in a Participative Exhibition Planning and Working in Public..CURATOR - The Museum Journal. 63/3. Rössig, Wiebke, Jahn, Lisa Debora (2019): Participation in a Research Museum: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Spokes #51. ECSITE Magazine. Rössig, Wiebke, Moldrzyk, Uwe, Gallé, Linda (2019): The Experimental Field for Participation and Open Science at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Testing new Formats of Participation in Science, Collections and Debates. Open Science Conference 2019. Poster presentation. Rössig, Wiebke, Jahn, Lisa Debora, Faber, Astrid (2018): Partizipation im Forschungsmuseum. Handreichung 2018. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Berlin. Vohland, Katrin; Diekämper, Julia; Moormann, Alexandra, Nettke, Tobias & Rössig, Wiebke (2018):Genome Editing als Gegenstand öffentlicher Betrachtung – Herausforderungen für Forschung, Vermittlung und Partizipation. In: Müller, Susanne & Rosenau Henning (Hrsg.): Stammzellen – iPS-Zellen – Genomeditierung. Schriften zum Bio-Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht. Band 34. Nomos. Baden-Baden. Rössig, Wiebke, Herlo, Bianca, Moormann Alexandra, Diekämper, Julia, Jahn, Lisa, Faber, Astrid (2018): Visitor's participation as an instrument for enhancing scientific literacy and competence of assessment-a research project at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. In: Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Erduran, S., & Childs, P. (Hrsg.) Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2017 Conference. Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education, Part 7/113. Dublin, Ireland: Dublin City University. ISBN 978-1-873769-84-3. Pp 1002-1014. Rössig, Wiebke & Moormann Alexandra (2017): Visitor's participation as an instrument for enhancing scientific literacy and competence of assessment-a research project at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. ESERA 2017 Conference. Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education, Strand 7/. Dublin, Ireland: Dublin City University. Vohland, Katrin; Diekämper, Julia; Moormann, Alexandra, Nettke, Tobias & Rössig, Wiebke (2017): Vor welchen Herausforderungen steht der Diskurs mit der Öffentlichkeit über neue Ansätze der Genomeditierung? Forschung zu Vermittlung und Partizipation. In: Zeitschrift für Medizin-Ethik-Recht ZfMER Heft 1, Jg 8. Rössig, Wiebke (2015): Beteiligungsbereitschaft - Hol- oder Bringschuld? In: Jörg Sommer (Hrg.)Kursbuch Bürgerbeteiligung. Deutsche Umweltstiftung. Cielobatzki, Carsten & Rössig, Wiebke (2015) : – Konzept für einen digitalen Diskurs. In: Jörg Sommer (Hrg.) Kursbuch Bürgerbeteiligung. Deutsche Umweltstiftung. ...

Southwick, Caitlin

Caitlin Southwick is the Founder and Executive Director of Ki Culture. She holds a Professional Doctorate in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the University of Amsterdam. Caitlin has worked in the conservation field and in museums around the world, including the Vatican Museums, The Getty Conservation Institute, and Easter Island. She was a … ...

Björkman, Tomas

My name is Tomas Björkman and I am an applied philosopher and social entrepreneur. One of the strongest personal drivers in my life has always been to unlock the hidden structures of the world around me. Curious and exploring, I constantly strive for a better understanding of science, people and social phenomena. Based on my … ...

von Lüpke, Geseko

Uns verbindet, dass wir bewusst und respektvoll mit uns, mit anderen, mit Tieren und Pflanzen umgehen – und dass wir gemeinsam wachsen wollen....

Beck, Marie-Luise

Marie-Luise Beck Geschäftsführerin des DKK Marie-Luise Beck ist seit 2012 Geschäftsführerin des Deutsches Klima-Konsortiums. Projekte wie die Online-Vorlesung zum Klimawandel auf Deutsch und Englisch sowie der K3 Kongress zu Klimakommunikation entstanden unter ihrer Leitung. Zuvor war sie in dem Projekt „Forschungsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit“ an der Freien Universität Berlin verantwortlich für den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und … ...

Bayr, Tobias

I am Meteorologist, deep ecologist and passionate “feelings worker”...

Ragnarsdottir, Kristin Vala

I am originally an Earth Scientist with emphasis on geothermal systems and behaviour and fate of pollutants in the natural environment. Since 2000 I have been working on issues related to sustainability....

Hosang, Maik

MAIK HOSANG researches interdisciplinary relationships between people, Nature and culture. He has a Professorship for cultural philosophy, social and cultural change at the Zittau / Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. He is co-creator of the interactive philosophy-experience world »Sophia im Spiegel «and author of several books....

Voggenreiter, Valerie

Sustainability – Self – Silence Silence Spaces is a collective of four people, which resulted out of sustainable higher education at the Eberswalde University for sustainable development. During the M.Sc. program we realised, that the inner dimension is under represented when sustainability efforts come into action. Hence, we created a space for the self to … ...

Demaris, Lucien


Whyte, David

The poet lives and writes at the frontier between deep internal experience and the revelations of the outer world. There is no going back once this frontier has been reached; a new territory is visible and what has been said cannot be unsaid. Poetry is a break for freedom. In a sense all poems are … ...

Lavelle, Brooke


Gerasimenko, Darya

Darya Gerasimenko is a Professor for Sustainability Science at Samara (State Aerospace) University (SSAU) focusing on social innovation and circular economy, and a Lecturer in Economics at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). She holds a PhD in Political Economy (of Industrial Policies and International Trade) from the University of St. Gallen (2015). As a … ...

Miller, James


Fackenthal , Jeremy

The Institute for Ecological Civilization works internationally to support systemic approaches to long-term sustainability by developing collaborations among government, business, and religious leaders and among scholars, activists, and policy makers. We build effective partnerships across social sectors through consultations, think-tank gatherings, and policy engagement....

Ruf, Stefan

Wir verfolgen das Ziel, jungen Menschen in einer seelischen Krisensituation einen tragfähigen Wohn- und Arbeitsort in Form einer therapeutischen Wohngemeinschaft (TWG) zu verschaffen. Wir wollen einen Ort schaffen, an dem neben einem Wohnkonzept weitere Therapie, Prozesse der Nachreifung und gesunde Begegnungen möglich sind. Zielsetzung ist, den jungen Menschen durch das Erleben von sinnvoller Tätigkeit, die … ...

Viaene, Lieselotte

Lieselotte is Professor at the Department of Social Sciences of the University Carlos III de Madrid and coordinator of the ERC research project RIVERS (2019-2024). Lieselotte is a Belgian anthropologist with a PhD in Law (Ghent University, Belgium, 2011) which has a first academic degree in Criminology. Her professional path is marked by a combination … ...

Fraude, Carolin


Fang, Man


Love and the Anthropocene

Abstract The Anthropocene is an existential crisis facing humanity, wherein human beings worldwide are confronted with the fact that not only are we in the midst of an unprecedented ecological crisis that endangers the basic living conditions of humankind, but that we are the culprit. This narrative has elicited increasing and widespread feelings of fear, … ...

Stark, Hendrik


Dierksmeier, Claus

Claus Dierksmeier was appointed director of the “Weltethos-Institut” (Global Ethic Institute) in 2012 to an endowed chair (sponsored by the Karl Schlecht Foundation). Since summer 2018 he has been working at the Institute for Political ScienceP as a professor for “Globalization Ethics with special consideration of the Global Ethic Idea”. The general focus of his … ...

Sobecka, Karolina


Bornemann, Boris

Ich interessiere mich für Emotionen und Bewusstsein – und welchen Einfluss Meditation und Achtsamkeit darauf haben können. Ich forsche dazu mit Methoden der Psychologie, Neurowissenschaft und Phänomenologie. Ich betreibe Meditation seit vielen Jahren und unterrichte sie in verschiedenen Kontexten. Gerne helfe ich Ihnen oder Ihrem Unternehmen dabei, einen einfachen und hilfreichen Zugang zu Meditation und … ...

Thinley, Cheten

I have a B.Sc. Forestry degree (2011-2013) from the College of Natural Resources (CNR) where I obtained a Diploma in Forestry (1996-1999) earlier. I also have a Graduate Diploma in Forestry (2003 to 2004) from the Southern Cross University (SCU) Australia . I carry a huge research experience of more than 15 years and have worked … ...

Choden, Thinley

  Thinley Choden is a researcher at Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research (UWICER), Bhutan. She has experience in protected area management planning, and in evaluating the effectiveness of protected area governance and management in Bhutan. She has an undergrad degree in Forestry Science from Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth in Maharashtra, … ...

Sachs, Wolfgang


Wreford, Luke


Mitchell, David

In 2014 I was introduced to the initial nucleus of AMA; Tom Bruhn, Mark Lawrence and Zoe.  We quickly realized we had a lot in common on a very deep level. I contributed a presentation to AMA in 2015. Since then I have pursued spiritual transformation and scientific research; the latter I will elaborate on … ...

Omann, Ines

Since I have been a teenager, the environment and the way we deal with it, has been important to me. After school I was searching for studies, where I could combine environmental and social sciences. Well, I did not find it then, therefore I started together with a group of other students and young assistant … ...

Lilley, Rachel

Rachel has worked for over 20 years in social and environmental change as Director of a social enterprise, trainer, consultant and communications expert. In recent years she has worked in Ceredigion locally on community engagement and domestic energy efficiency. She has developed and delivered consultancy and training interventions for Welsh Government, WWF, Ceredigion County Council, … ...

Litfin, Karen

Karen Litfin, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of political science at the University of Washington. She received her Ph.D. from UCLA in 1992. Karen’s first two books were Ozone Discourses: Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation (Columbia University Press, 1994) and The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics(MIT Press, 1998). She has also written on the … ...

Lawrence, Mark

My role in the team: Setting up a project like AMA was a keen interest of mine already before starting at the IASS.  After the first years of developing our program on our core topics like air pollution and climate change, and connecting to the spiritual and religious communities through dialogues and workshops, the time … ...

A Mindset for the Anthropocene

The AMA project is a science-based reflection and empowerment hub for change agents engaging in inner transformation in the context of socio-ecological transformation. Institutionally the AMA project is operating as a transdisciplinary research project at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam. Beyond its research work, the AMA project acts as a network … ...

Teucher, Tina

Working to inspire for sustainability, especially sustainable business. Knowing that the great transformation needs a change of mindset. Connecting interested people and organisations and initiatives already on their way. Hoping to contribute to the growth of the critical mass with the mindset for the anthropocene.  ...

Subramanian, Rama


Hofielen, Gerd


Felber, Christian


Dahm, Daniel


Purser, Ron


Künkel, Petra

Petra Kuenkel is a full member of the Club of Rome, an accomplished author and a leading strategic advisor to pioneering international multi-stakeholder initiatives that address complex sustainability issues. In 2005 she co-founded the Collective Leadership Institute a not-for-profit social enterprise that promotes the scaling-up of collaboration skills globally for change agents who have the … ...

Myzel, Jen

Jen Myzel sings of personal and planetary healing. Medicinal music is a message from the heart of the world; it is a dance of the soul, a grieving love song for a world in crisis, and a celebration of the immense beauty that surrounds us right now. Jen Myzel is both songstress and facilitator of The Work that Reconnects, whose themes … ...

Erdfest. Eine Initiative

Die Zeit ist reif, ein neues Fest im Jahreslauf zu schaffen. So viele Jahre und Jahrhunderte haben wir von der Erde nur genommen, mit viel Gier und wenig Dank. Nun ist es an uns, etwas zurückzugeben: unser Bekenntnis, dazu zu gehören, unsere Dankbarkeit, Erde zu sein. Das Erdfest versteht sich als eine Feier der Lebendigkeit, … ...

Hüther, Gerald


Böhme, Jessica


Hunecke, Marcel

Prof. Dr. Marcel Hunecke ist Umweltpsychologe. Interessengebiet unter anderem die Erforschung kontemplativer Praxis für Nachhaltigkeit....

Howden-Chapman, Amy


Gidley, Jennifer


Wamsler, Christine

Christine is an expert in sustainable city development with focus on inclusive climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction/ management, climate policy mainstreaming, urban resilience and transformation....

Anneke, Klasing


Bellene, Paolo


Walsh, Zachary


Haddock, Paula


Trelstad, Marit


Ostendorf, Yasmine


Ng, Edwin


Singer, Tania


Schrader, Ulf


Schepelmann, Ida


Bruhn, Thomas

As the initiator and coordinator of AMA, I feel a deep commitment to the project‘s original intention and ambition. I care particularly about community building and see my conceptual work as a support for community empowerment. I love the diversity of perspectives that we aspire to integrate and the challenges that this aspiration means for … ...

Travers, Melody

My mission is to promote human flourishing. The last several years my research in philosophy and sustainability has focused on how our inner lives affect our actions, and how contemplative practices can help to positively influence how we interact with and transform our human systems. I am fascinated by that mysterious interplay between the individual … ...